Shipping Services & Regulation

We’re making your shopping experience even better with subsidized shipping fees! Here’s how it works:

  • Orders below Rp999,000 → NO DISCOUNT shipping applies
  • Orders between Rp999,000 – Rp1,498,000 → FREE SHIPPING!
  • Orders Rp1,499,000 and above → Get 50% off your shipping fee!

No extra steps—your discount is automatically applied at checkout.

For now, you can choose the Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method until further notice. By selecting "Cash on Delivery (COD)" as your payment method, your order will require additional processing time while our team verifies your details. Note: COD orders are only available for delivery via JNE - Reguler, and the shipping cost will be automatically recalculated accordingly. Please note that an additional 4% fee will be applied to the final total order cost. Our team will contact you soon to confirm your order detail.

List Alamat di Indonesia

Gunakan halaman ini untuk melakukan pencarian informasi Alamat tujuan pengiriman serta sebagai informasi dalam penghitungan biaya Shipping saat melakukan pembayaran. Informasi berikut juga sangat berguna mengurangi kemungkinan salah pengetikan dalam memasukkan informasi alamat pengiriman.

Pilih Provinsi dari list di bawah, lalu silahkan lakukan pencarian melalui kolom Search untuk informasi District (Kecamatan), Kota/Kab (City), dan atau Postal code.