Our standard FREE delivery service is available for all orders over Rp.999.000,-. Orders under Rp.999.000,- will be calculated based on Shipping Courier, Location & Service. We provide a fully traceable and secure service to all over Indonesia.
For now, you can choose the Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method until further notice. By selecting 'Cash on Delivery (COD)' as your payment method, our team will first send a data verification process. Once you complete the verification, your order will be processed immediately. Please note that for the Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method, an additional fee of 4% of the total invoice will be applied. This payment method is only available for shipments using JNE Regular.
Gunakan halaman ini untuk melakukan pencarian informasi Alamat tujuan pengiriman serta sebagai informasi dalam penghitungan biaya Shipping saat melakukan pembayaran. Informasi berikut juga sangat berguna mengurangi kemungkinan salah pengetikan dalam memasukkan informasi alamat pengiriman.
Pilih Provinsi dari list di bawah, lalu silahkan lakukan pencarian melalui kolom Search untuk informasi District (Kecamatan), Kota/Kab (City), dan atau Postal code.