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Sep 29, 2021
'Strike Three', The Latest Edit From Crosby Colapinto
The Croz and Crew Head to Lakey Peak to Go Above the Lip… a Lot.
While the CT pack headed to Bali for the Indo leg of the Tour, Crosby tagged along to support Griff during the event. A few days post arrival, a blob popped on the charts heading straight for Lakey Peak… a restless Croz could not resist. Flights were booked, boards were packed and the boys were on the way to LP for a 3 day strike mission.
Enjoy an action packed 3-minutes put together by Jacob Vanderwork, Timmy Toes and Alessio Saraifoger, paired nicely with a side of Logic and Wu Tang. #GoCroz
Filmer: Timmy Toes | Filmer: Alessio Saraifoger | Edit: Jacob Vanderwork